Scleroderma will not take my smile; ladies smiling

29 June is World Scleroderma Day

On June 29, the world’s scleroderma community comes together to recognize World Scleroderma Day

On this day in 1940, internationally renowned Swiss painter Paul Klee died. He had scleroderma and his artwork was widely influenced by his experience with the condition. 

Across the globe, it is known that the month of June is also recognised, and this is when many fund-raisers and awareness campaigns take place.

Scleroderma Australia would really like you to get involved with our Snuggle Up! Campaign.

Snuggle Up lady hiding under doona

To raise funds for Snuggle Up! you can:

– Host an afternoon tea wearing gloves and scarves

– Hold a slumber party

– Get your workmates involved